Thursday, January 26, 2012

Today was a pick day and we enjoyed quite a nice picking.  Jonathan and Nancy picked all morning while Tim chose another chore.  Last time he was seen,  he was puttering around on a tractor. 

On a dreaded note, the bills must be paid today.  One of the most unusual and unseen purchases we make is for beneficial insects.  We shop with and When the "bugs" arrive, they are in tiny little packets or bottles and are invisible to the naked eye.  The invisible eggs will eventually hatch and begin to seek and destroy the specific bugs that are their food supply. 

 The beneficials are quite often packed in an unidentifiable medium that makes it appear you are actually purchasing something.  If not for the medium, I'd swear we were buying air except for the fact that they do hatch and prey on the unsuspecting evil bugs that have already shown up uninvited.  Today's purchase was a total amount of $622.08.  For that we received two bumblebee hives (highly visible), Ervipar (for aphids), and Spical (for spider mites)