Monday, January 23, 2012
Today is one of those dreary Mondays with a foggy, cloudy, damp, coolness that makes you want to sit by the wood heater and drink coffee all day. Fortunately for us, we picked tomatoes today by the warmth of heat blown into the greenhouse from the Goliath 300 boiler. We had a pretty good picking of tomatoes for a winter crop. This is the earliest we've had tomatoes since we've been in the business. Ideally, we would love to have (and sell) tomatoes 12 months of the year, but we have to clean out and start over sometime. Although we just started picking, we seeded the plants in early October. Our cleanout was in August/September. Tim went on to pick cotton, so let's give Jonathan and Nancy the credit for this early crop. (True, but Tim did micro-manage us from the comfort of a cotton picker with his cellphone.) The bumblebees are working, the beneficial insects are hunting and all is well in our little, green world. We are not at all at full capacity, but the fun has begun.....whoopee!